Manual page


dtee [option]… <command> [arguments]…

cronty [option]… <command> [arguments]…


Run command with standard output and standard error copied to files while maintaining the original standard output and standard error as normal.


Output files

Standard streams can be written to any number of specified files, in addition to normal output. Output is not line buffered.

-o <filename>, --out-append=<filename>
 Append standard output to filename, creating the file if it does not exist.
-O <filename>, --out-overwrite=<filename>
 Copy standard output to filename, truncating and overwriting existing content.
-e <filename>, --err-append=<filename>
 Append standard error to filename, creating the file if it does not exist.
-E <filename>, --err-overwrite=<filename>
 Copy standard error to filename, truncating and overwriting existing content.
-c <filename>, --combined-append=<filename>
 Append standard output and standard error to filename, creating the file if it does not exist.
-C <filename>, --combined-overwrite=<filename>
 Copy standard output and standard error to filename, truncating and overwriting existing content.

General options

-i, --ignore-interrupts
 Ignore keyboard interrupt signals (SIGINT). This does not prevent the command being executed (and other processes in the same progress group) from receiving the signal.
-q, --cron Operate in cron mode (this is implied when invoked as cronty). Suppresses all output unless the process outputs an error message or has a non-zero exit status whereupon the original output will be written as normal and the exit code will be appended to standard error.


-h, --help Display usage information and exit.
-V, --version Output version information and exit.